Sunday, September 16, 2012

For the ladies

Tonight my dad taught on the virtuous woman which really got me thinking.

How would you define “virtuous”?

I defined it as moral, good, and honorable. However, the actually definition is “force, army, valor”.

 For me, that put a whole new view of the statement “behind every good man is a good woman”.  If we would chase after becoming a virtuous woman rather than chasing after every guy in reasonable distance, we could a force to be reckoned with!  What then is a virtuous woman?

Proverbs 31:10

1.       Priced above rubies

2.       Trustworthy   

3.       Do good not evil

4.       Not afraid to work hard and get dirty

5.       Takes care of her home

6.       Wise about investments  and finances

7.       Works late in the night to provide clothing for herself and family

8.       Giving to others

9.       Elegant

10.    Husband known in high places

11.   Strong, honorable, wise, kind, diligent, fears God.


Notice that the list of virtues did not mention physical beauty.  A virtuous woman is beautiful on the inside which makes her beautiful outwardly.


As a child I always heard that you should look at the character of a person more than the outward appearance.  Ask yourself:

How does she treat her dad? How does he treat his mom? How do they treat others?

I have heard that the honeymoon (starry-eyed moment) of marriage lasts up to 2 years and then marriage maintenance and character kick in.

How a person treats family and friends before they marry, will most likely be how they treat you after the honeymoon years end.  Taking a little more time to evaluate character over appearance could be the determining factor in a happy marriage.


The level of a virtuous woman can almost seem impossible to measure up to, but we should at least put a good effort forward.


I am learning how important it is to work on becoming a better person as a whole for your future husband. Really, we need to stop worrying so much about finding a guy, and look more at becoming the virtuous woman that our husbands can trust in and honor with praise.



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