Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall back in time

I am not a pack rat by nature; in fact, I could almost be considered a little OCD in organization. When washing laundry and dishes, I have to have each item in a certain spot. My closet is color coded and organized by seasons.

On the other hand, I could be TAF ( Toss and forget). My granny, mom, and younger sister all believe in keeping everything just in case it comes in handy 20 yrs from now. My philosophy has always been: "If I don't have a place for it and I don't see a need it goes."
Have I regretted some of that... well, yeah! :)

As fall came around, my sisters and I decided to reorganize our room and go through stuff . I have my great grandma's trunk that I keep all my special memories, journals, and cards in. You see... it is with history that I am a pack rat. For example, I pulled out my backpack from under my bed. My sisters rolled their eyes because I had just been telling them that they needed to get rid of some stuff. 

It's easy to watch  someone else to get rid of something  but not when it comes to "your" special junk. This back pack and I went way back... I started and finished school with that back pack. Of course, I am sure it's life span had NOTHING to do with the fact that I was home schooled for most of those years. :)

It still had a pretty good color, still held stuff, but it was well worn and had some holes. So I took one last look and tossed it in the trash.

As I sit here drinking a warm cup of English Toffee Cappuccino, I started thinking... There are some things we should keep from our past and some baggage we should toss out.
You may have memories with that baggage, but is it taking up a place where something new and better can sit?
How about a memory, a relationship, a failure?

History is something special special. We can learn from it, we can cherish it, and we can keep it in our memory; but some old baggage needs to get a taste of TAF!

So as fall settles in, remember to look back and see what you should toss and what you should treasure.


  1. OCD in organization, huh?...*L* Maybe I need to be around you a bit more, so some of that will rub off on me? How do you decide what to keep and what not to keep? Especially when you've "inherited" stuff that needs gone through?

    Blessings in ABUNDANCE!

  2. Lol! I do a little too much organizing for sure! I usually get in the "mood" to toss things. Often over time, the things I once thought important do not hold that meaning any more. I have not had much inherited stuff given to me so I have been able to keep most of it. I usually put priority on items that have extremely special memories to me. I have always worked my evaluation with this one question. "If I had a short time to choose what to take with me during a fire, what would I truly long to have with me?" Of course, this eliminates a lot of stuff but it helps put things in perspective for me.
