Sunday, June 3, 2012

How do I know there is a God ?

For those who attended Camp Victory you will remember a precious man that God has greatly used to reach so many. He has gone through strokes,  heart surgery, cancer, and Lyme disease but no matter how tired his body is he has a kind heart and wise mind. I only got a part of his sermon recorded this morning because my camera died on me but I will type in the rest of his main points. Bro. Boyd    addresses the main question that most people ask. 


How do we know There is a  God? 

How do we know he is the true God? 

  Bro. Boyd goes on to say that we can know there is a God because: 

1. His word is Truth

"A man stood up in a meeting and asked D.L. Moody to use one verse to prove that the word of God was true. D.L. Moody stopped, looked at the man and said 'A man who sows Alcohol will reap Alcoholics.' [ Referring to Galatians 6:7] The man turned deathly white and sat down. D.L. Moody was later told that the man was a tavern owner and had six sons who were Alcoholics.

2. Through Creation

"God made many things but he did not make everything on this earth." 

He did not make : 

a. Satan ( he made Lucifer who denied God)

  • b.Sin (result of absence of God in your life)

    c.Darkness( absence of light)

    d. death( absence of God... God is light)

    3. Answered Prayer 

    a. God may not answer the way we expect 

    b. Leave it up to God how he answers. 

    One lady came to Hyman Appleman , a saved Russian Jew, and said that she was serving God with all her heart but she had two teenage sons who were unsaved. She wanted the evangelist to tell her why. He replied that he would tell her the next night. She came to him excited to find what the answer might be! He looked at her and said four words- "Your eyes are dry"- and then walked away. 

    That night she locked herself in a room and let her tears fall freely as she prayed that God would save her sons. The next morning she pulled one son aside and expressed her concern to which he responded and fell on his knees to be saved. She didn't even get a chance to ask the second son because he had walked by his mom's door and heard her praying and crying for him. He could not sleep after that and surrendered his heart to God. 






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