Friday, November 9, 2012

Success and Happiness.

Good morning on this gorgeous morning!!

As of yesterday, I have been blessed to live 21 years. I have a wonderful family, great friends, and a wonderful God. There is no substitute for those blessings!

This morning, I picked up a book by Lawana Blackwell. I have been loving her work, but this morning I read something that was just awesome!

The main character is a singer who is taking private voice lessons from a professional singer. As time goes on, this character realizes that the professional singer has sacrificed so much happiness in her life for the sake of her career. The main character voices her concern to this guy she has an interest in. He tells her to hold out her hand. He then put a leaf in her palm. The leaf was to represent her career as a singer. He then asked her to list the other things that were important in her life. She narrowed it down to three things that she would choose,if she had to,above her career - GOD, FAMILY, and FUTURE FAMILY.
He picked up three pebbles and placed them on the leaf.

"We have a good breeze about, but it's not blowing the leaf away. Why is that?"
"Because of the pebbles." She replied.
"Now imagine that these pressures come to blow at you and your career."
She looked thoughtfully at her hand and then said. " Meaning... I can enjoy all of the things that are important to me. As long as I keep them in their proper places."

He then placed the leaf on top of the pebbles and they watched as the breeze carried the leaf away.
"Now your career takes off, perhaps even in a more spectacular way, but leaving behind the things that matter most."

My first thought was, "wow, this guy is wise!" lol However, as I thought about this visual of life, I thought of how many times we find success but lose everything in  the process. So as I move through this next year, I am determined to put things in the right perspective. :) 

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