Do you think a secure relationship is one that has a minimum of problems?
I used to fathom a perfect relationship in an almost fairytale way. If it did not go perfectly than it was not the perfect relationship. However, over the past few years I have discovered that the best relationships are not those that are free of problems, but those with an open door to work through those problems.
I remember when I was little I would pick up a flower and pick the peddles off one by one saying " he loves me, he loves me not." That never made sense to me because the answer was never the same. How many times do we base the health of a relationship on something so unstable as a flower or a disagreement?
Life happens guys! Relationships that are healthy are those that each individual can express their emotions and feelings without feeling like their honesty will drive a wedge in the relationship.
I have heard preachers get up in the pulpit and tell parents to keep all disagreements to themselves and not let their children see. From the first time I heard this I thought " how stupid! " We are all going to be in relationships all our lives and if we cannot see how our parents handle such situations then how are we going to know what to do?

My parents would keep most disagreements away from us, but they also let us see how they worked through things. Because neither one is afraid to express their feelings, they have a secure base for their relationship. Communication and honesty are two of the biggest components to a secure relationship.
Take a moment to look at each of different relationships you are in right now: marriage, friendship, dating, or family. Do you have the freedom to speak your feelings?
Do you give others the same feeling?
In a secure relationships you can stop playing the old "flower game" of they love me, they love me not. You don't have to wonder because you know that even in the anger of an argument or in the stress of any situation, you can express your feelings and communicate effectively with the other person.
Wow! This is really good!